The Weekly Adventures of the WSFF Insight & Innovation Team
Welcome to the I&I Blog, where we chart the sporting, active and sometimes downright scary adventures of the WSFF Insight & Innovation team. 

From netball to weightlifting via all sorts of other activities, this is your port of call to find out what the I&I team get up to when they're not being insightful and innovative...and sometimes when they are.

The Lost 3k...
So recently I've been running. A lot. Just so you know from the start, I'm not a natural runner by any means...

Endure 24
URGH, I'm ill. Coughing and spluttering everywhere. The guys at work loooooooove me right now...

The difficult second album
I’m not good with second; I’ve never been good with second. I don’t want to buy seconds; I want the original. I like winning; I need to win. I only want the best; I want to be the best...

New Year...New Me?
I'm one of those people that does like to make New Year's resolutions with the desperate hope that I can become a better me...

A Good Old Sports Development Project
I wrote my first ever blog 5 weeks ago and I have to say I had a real feeling of achievement and satisfaction after putting pen to paper (or should I say fingers to keyboard?).......