She Moves
when She Moves, we move
The blogs are here to inspire everyone to get involved and get moving. We encourage comments and discussion, because when She Moves, we move. #KeepAvrilMoving
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That was the week that Was...

This has been one of the strangest and fastest moving weeks of my life. Five days actually, but with enough crammed in to feel like a week.

Firstly, I was on the telly for the first time. That means having someone else do your hair and makeup which, if you're a control freak like me, is not to be recommended. You surrender to a sweet, softly spoken, lady who reassures you everything will be okay and then turns you into a version of yourself you don't recognise; I even had my hair back-combed! The makeup was more than I would ever wear and meant to "define features" and "even out skin tone". Even out!? I felt like I'd been rubbed out! In the mirror was me as a drag queen! All the while, she was telling me that she used to be a keen mountaineer before children came along – you can never tell just by looking at a girl can you?

Still, it was eight-thirty on New Year's Day and no one was watching - you were all still in bed with hangovers.

How wrong can you be? She Moves got more than 1000 Twitter followers in two days and scared me to death. I've never used Twitter before, so that was a steep learning curve. Seems like She Moves is the right movement at the right time because there you all were with your support and advice, words of wisdom, jokes and general joie de vivre. What fantastic women (and more than a few men) you are!

But it has made me realise how far I have to go. I've barely started and you're going out for your first runs of the year and cycling miles before breakfast. I'm reacquainting myself with how to pump up my tyres and how my lock works - went to the shops, locked it, came back, couldn't unlock it! People were kind though. A nice man (the shame!) took pleasure in rescuing me, so I guess I brought a little sunshine into the world.

As to running, a friend, who's entering the Marathon this year, has offered to do some interval training with me as soon as I've got some decent footwear. See, I don't even have the equipment for that job. But the kids are back at school next week (hoorah!) and it'll be my first job - trainers and a good sports bra. Ran up a hill (kinda) with the kids yesterday and realised I should probably live in a sports bra!

But I'll tell you what I have done. I've rediscovered the joy of walking. No preparation needed, no equipment, just open the door, go out and put one foot in front of the other. Do it with someone you love, preferably; you have no choice but to talk to one another and walking, even briskly, shouldn't leave you too breathless for a chat. When you're out walking, there's nothing else you can or should be doing, no technology (go on, be brave, leave your phone at home) and, whether you're walking in town, countryside, city or by the seaside, you're guaranteed to see something remarkable, funny, beautiful or interesting - something to get the conversational juices going.

Walking, I think, is good for the body and soul. I used to walk; I used to love it; I'm going to try to do it a lot more often!

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  • Caitlin
    4 months ago
    Love your blogs and comments, Avril. When walking to and from school with the kids we usually always spot something interesting; a cobweb with an enormous spider, friendly firefighters, stag beetles, cats, dogs, tame robins! We always say we would have missed them if we're in the car!