She Moves
when She Moves, we move
We want to start a national conversation around women's fitness, health and well-being in the UK. Read Avril's posts on her progress, comment, discuss and let us know your thoughts but most of all - please share the movement. We're all here to help each other. 

Read all about the campaign here
Support Avril

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Sorry. Sorry. Mea culpa. Sorry. I know you're not cross, just really disappointed in me...

I did my first "run" on the 10th January. Remember what it was like then? Freezing!

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts with Good Shoes (and a bra)

"Baroness Susan Campbell said recently that children are leaving school physically illiterate"

"Here's my top tip for getting the most out of swimming. Don't take your kids!"

"I go swimming with the children but it doesn't involve much actual swimming.."

"Back in the summer, I made a vow to myself that I would become stronger"

"This has been one of the strangest and fast moving weeks of my life"

"I can't say i've made that (frankly terrifying) journey again"

"To be fit enough to join my local running group"

"Ladies, what I really need is a bunch of mates to do it with me"

Avril you rock - well done girl
It's so nice to see real people exercising for a change!
Anyone want to go running with me? #runbuddy
Steph, Swanage
Great initiative
Well done WSFF for creating this new site
Big Fan
I want to help close the gap between those who could benefit from being active.