She Moves
when She Moves, we move

We're like you: women who want to be fitter, healthier and happier. Like you, we struggle to squeeze exercise into everyday life. Like you, we want it to be fun and not a chore. Like you, we find it easier if we have support.  She Moves aims to bring women together to share tips and advice on getting active, to support and inspire each other - to help women move more.

Support Avril

Support each other

The Campaign Explained

We are the Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation and we salute your wobbly bits. We applaud your red faces, sweaty patches, and goggle eyes. 

Why? Because we know how hard it is to keep active. We're all busy, with work, with family, with other stuff. But if we can support each other when the going gets tough then suddenly it becomes a whole lot easier.

Why is it important?

Well, four out of five women aren't doing enough exercise to stay healthy. And if were not healthy we're often not happy, which isn't good.

We set this site up for women to share their experiences. Knowing we're not the only ones spoiling our make up, ruining our hair or swearing when it hurts, helps us try a bit harder.

We're a small charity with big ambitions.

We're here to help Britain's women get active.

We're concerned that society thinks thin is more important than fit. That beauty is more important than health. And we want to reverse the trend.

You can find out how we help, persuade and inspire here. Or you can check out what other women are up to on our blog pages.

Meet Avril...

Avril's on Instagram


Anyone want to go running with me? #runbuddy
Steph, Swanage
Avril you rock - well done girl
Congratulations Avril, looking good already! #gogirl
Just wanted to say that I really love this
Well done WSFF for creating this new site
Big Fan
I want to help close the gap between those who could benefit from being active.
Great initiative