Avril's Blog
when She Moves, we move
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I got myself a bike. How hard could it be? It's like riding a bike, no? Well, no, actually. I could stay upright, but get off the pavement? Not a hope!

A friend thought I'd be safer on a tricycle and sent me these illuminating words of advice.  A slightly more practical friend, who could cycle on the road but only if she never had to turn right, suggested Bikeability.  

Our instructor was quite a philosopher. His mantras were "Keep peddling but never take your hands off the brakes" and "You don't need mirrors to see what's behind you".  Rules to live by, I think!

Firstly, he told us that we weren't nearly as bad as we thought we were. When you believe you are exactly that bad (or worse), this is an enormous confidence boost.  He showed us the mistakes that hesitant cyclists make and told us we had as much right as anyone to be on the road. In the middle of it, even!

Three sessions later we cycled from Dulwich to Greenwich and back!

I can't say I've made that (frankly terrifying) journey again or even that the bike gets many outings. But it's a start.

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  • Karen @ Cycle Sprog
    5 months ago
    Hi Avril, Well done on this first ride! I got into cycling after having my first son, and now ride quite a lot, both with and without my kids. When you're a lot more confident on your bike, cycling as a family is a great way to all enjoy exercise together, especially on off-road routes. I was really frustrated at the lack of information about family cycling, so I've set up a website to help parents with the information they need to get cycling - it's called Cycle Sprog (www.cyclesprog.co.uk) - hope some of your readers find it useful! Good luck with your challenge Karen
  • Louise
    5 months ago
    Haha, Avril this is brilliant. Thank you - I thought I was the only 'adult' that found it tougher than it seems to look riding a bike. Aiming to get this on my to-do list for 2013 and i'll check out Bikeability too!