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On Monday 28 March and Wednesday 30 March 2011 we hosted two events looking at how to make sport and fitness Fit for Women.

Thank you to those who attended and contributed to the events. We were very pleased with the interesting discussions that took place and hope you left brimming with new ideas on how we can engage and inspire more women and girls to participate in sport and physical activity.

Keynote speakers:

Sue Tibballs, Chief Executive of the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation


Melanie Howard, Chair of The Future Foundation.


Please find the workshop presentations below - we hope you find them useful for your work.

Workshop: How women want to be coached

Delivered by Cassie Smith, WSFF

 This workshop looked at the coaching preferences of female athletes, debunking a number of coaching 'myths', and investigating how the physical and psychological differences between male and females affect how they want to be coached.

Workshop: Sustaining participation in teenage girls

Delivered by Chris Lillistone, WSFF and Carrie Myer, Girlguiding UK
In 2010, WSFF carried out a study of teenage girls across eight sports to determine why they drop out of sports that they had previously enjoyed playing. This workshop examined the key influences in determining drop out, and considers what clubs and deliverers can do to turn this around with the help of Girlguiding UK. out.pptx 

Workshop: Getting the product right

Delivered by Cliff Simms, Sporting Equals and Payoshni Mitra, badminton coach
Delivered in partnership with Sporting Equals, this workshop provided an opportunity to gain greater insight into what to consider when developing projects for BME women and how to encourage and sustain their participation in sport. the product right.ppt

Workshop: Promoting your offer

Delivered by Tim Woodhouse, WSFF
There is little point designing the perfect programme if no one knows about it. Neither is there any point in telling people about it if you do so in such a way which doesn't inspire them to take part. By using examples from current marketing campaigns this workshop looked at ways of identifying the right marketing channels for your project. your offer.ppt 

Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation